Nigeria Politics; A world sitcom
Published on August 29, 2006 By Hillary King In Blog Communities

A sitcom (situation comedy) simply is genre of comedy performance, that usually consists of recurring characters in a format wherein there is one or more story lines centered on a common environment for family entertainment.

The open mockery of democracy by all arms of government in the fourth republic and her law enforcement agencies cannot be classified otherwise than a "sitcom". Episodic in structure, containing comic and utmost frivolity, which can explain the whimsical sense of duty to the implementation of the set principles of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, by those who charade themselves as public officers.

These be-mused incorrigible characters, some of which, have been around since Nigeria independence in 1960, can’t help but amuse the curiosity of international and local political observers, who find it interesting to pay attention to all phenomenal political blunder as they pursue to plunder on the true rights of the common Nigerian.

Most Nigerians will agree to the above, considering the unfolding political events since early last year, where the Judiciary recorded phenomenal exparte orders in attempt to remove a public officer who refused to dance to the tunes of his cohort. Abracadabra performed by the Men in black led by the fallen I.G in solving some of the comic errors in Nigeria politics (Killings); subsequent killings yet unresolved, The clamour for Presidency come 2007, the open sycophancy for questionable characters to come back to power. The handing over of our society and resources to the international world, through organization of political strikes and many more…can explain the fickleness of all these people, even as kidnapping of expatriate and oil workers has become a lucrative and flourishing business in the Niger-Delta. An area that has created most of the wealth for the entity Nigeria yet the most improvish and neglected region of the country (south south)
One can’t help but ponder if these are the people empowered by our constitution or those working against it?

Nigeria, has presented herself as a great source of humour in the family of democratic countries, who without doubt perceive Nigeria as a “workshop of Democracy” where constitutional infractions are considered in place by these recurrent characters, whom are more discretionary in judgment than follow the set principles of our state.

One doubts the basis for their sworn oath of true allegiance to Nigeria; is it to protect and defend the bodily state of affairs or to destroy it? It is worth suggesting, that Nigeria should not only be recognized internationally as a corrupt country, but also as a country capable of amusing the world politically.

Written by,

Nwaukor Ugo Hillary.

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